If you are curious about our group, and would like to learn more about us before joining, you are welcome, along with any of your friends and family that may be interested, to come to one of our events. All of our meetings and events are open to members and non-members alike. See for yourself who we are and what we do and ask us questions face-to-face. If you like what you see, we would be very happy to have you become part of the family.
Membership Types
The USS Adamant has the following membership types and dues structure:
- Full STARFLEET Membership – (Range from $5-individual up to $17-family of 6) – for members of STARFLEET officially assigned to the USS Adamant.
- Affiliate Membership – ($5 per person) – for members of STARFLEET officially assigned to other STARFLEET chapters, but also choosing to be members of the USS Adamant. STARFLEET membership dues not included.
Membership Period – Dues cover the calendar year, January to December, and are collected at the beginning of each year. Dues for new members joining mid-year will be prorated for the number of months remaining in that calendar year.
Family Memberships – Defined as individuals who share a residence or are related by blood or marriage. Family Memberships entitle each individual to all the rights and privileges of Individual Membership, except that only one copy of chapter printed materials, will be provided.
You may change your membership type or cancel your membership at any time. However, once you have paid your membership dues, they are not refundable. All members are responsible to keep their STARFLEET membership dues current. This will be especially important in regards to voting privileges. If your dues are not current, you will not be able to vote on chapter issues.